Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Beginning The Rediscovering Process


My name is Jenn Roop and I am currently completing my BEd. I plan on being a secondary science teacher and realize that I need to brush up on chemistry if I intend to provide the best teaching possible. I have decided to start off my chemistry rediscovery from the beginning, with the basics. In the Atlantic Canadian Science 9 curriculum, Atomic Theory and introducing the basics of the Periodic Table of Elements is a key topic or unit. As it is very likely I will be responsible for tackling Science 9 and 10 during my career I have chosen a topic from the grade 9 curriculum to focus my self-directed learning on.

I also wanted to mention that I am new to the blogging world and am excited to discover and learn about the blogging process and perhaps how it could be utilized in a secondary science classroom. I am excited to begin the process and hopefully create a place to share the resources I find. Below you will find my contract for my self-directed learning process. I hope you enjoy following me during my rediscovery of basic chemistry.

Objectives – What are you going to learn?

  • The history of Atomic Theory including who, what, where, and why
  • How to draw and interpret electron cloud diagrams
  • The connection between Atomic Theory and the Periodic Table of Elements
  • General trends found throughout the Periodic Table of Elements
  • Develop a confidence in my understanding of the Periodic Table of Elements including where to find particular facts within the table

Resources/Strategies – How are you going to learn it?

  • Internet 
  • Interactive Periodic Table of Elements
  • Textbooks
  • Peers/Colleagues
  • Video Demonstrations

Target date for Completion

  • February 7th, 2012

Evidence – How are you going to know when you’ve learned it?

  • When I feel comfortable explaining the Atomic Theory to someone who is familiar with chemistry and I can successfully draw an electron cloud diagram without any assistance
  • When I feel confident that I can use a find information and use a Periodic Table of Elements on my own and explain the trends clearly and concisely. 
  • When I fell confident with my understanding of terminology and basic understanding. 
  • When I can confidently answer this question with a yes; Could I teach this topic in a grade 9 science class?

Verification – How are you going to prove you learned?

  • Create a Blog which follows my rediscovery and learning journey
  • Have a conversation with a chemistry teacher or expert in the field. 
Well I guess that this concludes my first entry. I am now on my way to sharing my learning journey with you and can officially call myself a 'blogger'. 


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